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Paige Asbury 
2 Term Junior Council

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Lydia Turnquist
2 Term Junior Council

Aspinwall Borough

Junior Council Program

Rules and Guidelines for The Borough of Aspinwall’s Junior Council

· Must be a resident of Aspinwall

· When applying must be a high school Sophomore or Junior or equivalent if homeschooled

· Must take “Oath of Office”

· Must serve one term that will coincide with the school year (i.e. September through June)

· Must attend Agenda and Full Council meetings on 1st and 2nd Wednesdays of each month

· Must observe all Aspinwall Borough Council Rules

· Is exempt from any and all Council Business that exceeds 9pm

The Junior Council Person (JCP) Program provides youth in the community with an opportunity to get engaged in borough government and develop leadership skills. It also allows borough officials to serve as mentors to students who will be future leaders in their communities.

Since 2000, PSAB has been encouraging high school students to get involved in borough government by becoming a JCP. Since that time, hundreds of students have participated in the JCP Program in boroughs throughout PA.


Wesleyville Borough, Erie County established the first JCP Program in 1999. The model has since been widely adopted by boroughs throughout the Commonwealth. The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) is committed to the success of this program and encourages participation from each of the 956 boroughs. A JCP Program allows high school and college students the opportunity to learn critical skills including team building and collaboration, public speaking, public engagement, budgeting, and running effective meetings. It also allows the student the opportunity to deliberate on issues that are affecting his or her community 

Please email application, essay and letter of reference to by August 31,2020.

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