Welcome to Aspinwall, PA
"The Town That Pride Built"
Monday 8:30-4:30, Tuesday 8:30-4:30, Wednesday 12:00-7:00, Thursday 8:30-4:30, Friday 8:30-12:30

Planning Commission
Current Planning Commission
Chairman-Nick Scheid
Vice Chairman-Robert Scott
Secretary Glen Rockhill
Councilman Mark Chimel
Robert Tenenini
Evan Tobin
Lou Ann Wright (Alternate)
Bill Palmer (Alternate)
Ryan Santelli (Building Inspector)
§ 27-704The Planning Commission.
The Aspinwall Planning Commission shall be appointed by Borough Council as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code and Chapter 1, Planning Commission, of this Code.
The Planning Commission shall perform the following duties
Submit by March 1 of each year a report to Borough Council outlining any substantive or administrative problems that have been identified in this chapter along with recommended changes to correct the problems; and any recommended changes in this chapter to reflect changes in development conditions, land uses, population, public services and facilities or similar conditions.
Prepare and make recommendations to Borough Council on proposed amendments to this chapter and the Zoning Map
Review and approve or deny all applications for signs, except temporary signs.
Review and make recommendations to Borough Council on conditional use applications.
Review and make recommendations to the Zoning Hearing Board on applications for variances.
Provide technical and consultative assistance to other Borough boards, commissions and officials in exercise of their duties relating to this chapter
Maintain accurate and current records of all actions taken by it in relation to the provisions of this chapter.
Where requested by the Zoning Officer pursuant to § 27-702 of this chapter, render advice and recommendations on any application.